New Year's Dog.

The days surrounding New Years are simply brimming with possibility and emotion. If you’ve been pondering how you could improve your pet’s health, happiness, or vitality, our New Year’s goals might get the ball rolling.

Where to Begin?

When launching new lifestyle choices or behavioral patterns, it is crucial to have as much information as possible. If it’s been a while since your pet’s last wellness exam, the new year is the best time to schedule an appointment. Examinations have the most benefit when scheduled every 6-12 months (depending on a pet’s age and medical history), but many pets go long periods without veterinary intervention or diagnostics.

Blood tests and urinalysis can reveal many possible health conditions not necessarily visible to the naked eye. Since pets are highly adept at masking symptoms of illness or injury, exams and diagnostics can fill in the gaps. Once all the pieces of a pet’s health care puzzle are acquired, you can construct and achieve New Year’s resolutions.

Your New Years Goals as a Pet Owner

Even when a pet is considered healthy and active, they can still benefit from increased time outdoors. In addition to extra opportunities to run, hike, play, and chase, the quality and diversity of outdoor activities is key to their mental health. A basic goal is to enjoy 30 minutes of exercise every day, although more time can be advantageous for many pets (especially working breeds and younger pets). 

Providing meaningful social experiences is not only enjoyable, but strong social bonds are enormously beneficial to pet health. Spend time at dog parks, sign up for a socialization class, and meet up with other pet owners to facilitate deep social connections.

Look Good, Feel Great

The new year could be all about looking as good as possible. Aside from aesthetics, healthy skin and coats translate into great overall health. A regular grooming appointment can reveal possible external parasites, eye or ear conditions, and lumps or bumps on the skin. 

Pearly Whites

Along the same lines, maintaining excellent dental health is of critical importance. Bad breath is typically just the tip of the iceberg. Before long, red, swollen gums, pain, and dangerous levels of oral bacteria take over the teeth and gums. Systemic illness can stem from poor oral health; brushing can actually decrease the chances of heart, liver, and kidney disease.

Annual cleanings under general anesthesia are essential to curbing plaque and tartar. We can also take digital X-rays to know the full extent of periodontal (gum) disease, extract teeth, if necessary, and polish the teeth. 

Pet Goals for the New Year

Whether your pet goals for the new year include moving around more, upping your pet’s dental game, or simply improving the quality of your time together, please know that Vet Medical Associates are always rooting for you at (209) 527‑5855.